2018 and 2020 have been years of important changes in my life that forced me to look back and reflect. How have things gone? Where did I think I would be 15, 10, 2 years ago? Where I am now? How could I do things better? Am I the type of person I hoped to be and is the impact I have on others what I hoped for? If not, what might I do differently in the upcoming years? Have I used my strengths and intelligence that I have wisely? This is my RETROSPECTIVE.
I look back and assess. I consider. Taking everything into account. I try to set a better course for the upcoming year(s). I'm really glad that nobody is keeping the score, even me, because I don't know how well I'm doing overall ;-). I guess it depends on philosophies that keep changing and on circumstances that bring more variability than I ever expected. Who could have predicted that I would have written a blog in 2015 to start changing the role of the HR Business Partner * and few years later actively promoting agile mindset and practices in my community and broader network?
Maybe if I had clearer goals the retrospective would have worked better...But life is not a software, where using iterative, incremental processes help to tell whether progress is in the right direction or need adjusting. However, these kind of reflections can def. provide new insights and help to formulate more concrete next steps. What an opportunity!
I am now trying to translate this learning into a personal agility map/program to provide a unique (individual) coaching experience to help people navigate with confidence and be their best self through changes and uncertainty. Stay Tuned!
*Disruptive and flexible, collaborative and human, focusing on employees experience and engagement. Honest and ambitious, inspirational and adaptable, the new HR BP/PP of the future shall fully embrace the Agile HR Manifesto and Agile People Principles!